Qwiklabs is a great platform to learn GCP which lets you get hands on experience of the actual Google Cloud environment and not a simulation environment.

“With Qwiklabs, we’re closing the IP skills gap in the cloud,” Jason Martin, director of professional services for Google Cloud, wrote in a blog post. “We’re focused on offering the most comprehensive, efficient, and fun way to train and onboard people across all our products on Google Cloud, including Google Cloud Platform and G Suite.”

The major problem that beginner Qwiklabs users face is with the connection of RDP and SSH within windows labs.

Here is some advice regarding the Windows lab to get the full assessment score for the step:

  • While connecting to the Windows VM instance (using the RDP — Remote Desktop Protocol)
  • Recommendations:
  1. Click on VM instances present under Compute Engine (Compute Engine -> VM Instance).
  2. Find the “Connect” field, and click RDP to open the Windows instance. You will see a window.
  3. Leave the domain field blank.
  4. You will see a username like “eduitxxxx_student”.
  5. Remove this username and enter the username as “student”.
  6. Enter the password which is set for your lab into CONNECTION DETAILS panel.
  7. If you see any error message while connecting to the RDP, try to refresh the instance using the refresh button on cloud console. Also, you may have to wait for a few minutes, then close the RDP and again try to connect this. It happens when a VM instance is not ready for use.
  8. Here is a demo video for you in order to establish the RDP connection. Referring to this video will help you to connect the RDP. Please have a look at the video here: Watch Now

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